Social Media Templates

Use these short text templates to help promote your event on your social media pages. You can use these templates and graphic to increase your possible attendee registrations.

Invitation Templates

Version 1: Don't miss out on DePIN Drinks with [Featured Speaker company page] and hosted by @POKTnetwork! Enjoy free drinks, delicious food, and learn about an amazing DePIN project. Held on πŸ“… [Add Event Date] at πŸ“ [Add Event City]. Learn about [Add speaker topic information]. Don’t miss out! Register now: [Luma invitation link]

Version 2: Join us at the DePIN Drinks with [Featured Speaker company page] hosted by @POKTnetwork on πŸ“… [Add Event Date] at πŸ“ [Add Event City]. Learn how [Add speaker topic information]. Register here: [Luma invitation link]

Version 3: Excited to announce DePIN Drinks with [Featured Speaker company page] hosted by @POKTnetwork! Network, learn about DePIN, and enjoy drinks and food on πŸ“… [Add Event Date] πŸ“ at [Add Event City]. Learn how [Add speaker topic information]. Register now: [Luma invitation link]

Reminder Templates

Reminder template (One Week Before the Event):

One week until DePIN Drinks with [Featured Speaker company page] and hosted by @POKTnetwork! Ready for great networking, free drinks, and insightful talks? Held on πŸ“… [Add Event Date] at πŸ“ [Add Event City]. Learn about [Add speaker topic information]. Don’t forget to register: [Luma invitation link]

Reminder template (One Day Before the Event):

Tomorrow is the day! DePIN Drinks with [Featured Speaker company page] is happening. Free drinks, great food, and valuable networking await! πŸ“… [Add Event Date] at πŸ“ [Add Event City]. Learn about [Add speaker topic information]. Last chance to register: [Luma invitation link]

Last updated