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To allow developers, hobbyists, and tinkerers to truly participate in Shannon on a protocol level, the team has built a complete LocalNet environment, able to be deployed in 2 commands. This LocalNet is complete with validators, gateways, suppliers, monitoring, and other tools, and is able to automatically reload on new changes in the code or configurations.

This is the first protocol deployment tooling to be this simple in the Web3 space, and we are excited to release it now to the community with this Quickstart Guide and a Complete Walkthrough video.

As always, you can follow our Github Roadmap and very soon (not yet) apply for tasks with the community label here.

POKT Network is an open-source project and you can find our active repo for our Shannon protocol upgrade here.

A Note From PNF

The Shannon upgrade is not only the next era of the POKT Protocol, but also the next stage of growth for the POKT Network community. This evolution in technology will also see the evolution of our community, as it will enable more developers to engage directly with the protocol and contribute in meaningful ways. We are excited for what is next. Please be on the lookout for new materials and initiatives rolling out in the coming weeks.

Last updated