Quick Onboarding Guide

1. Preparing the Application Stakes

Application stakes provides Gateway Operators access to the POKT Network for sending traffic.

Testnet Instructions
  1. Generate 5 accounts (wallets) through the testnet wallet URL

  2. Distribute POKT to all the wallets generated through the testnet faucet

  3. Stake each account into the network as an application stake with the chain id `0007` (a test chain that represents ETH Network).

  4. You can use the application stake script to simplify the process if you don't have access to the Pocket Core Executable or not familiar with the CLI commands.

Staking application stakes too complicated for you? No worries, we prestaked some shared applications stakes into POKT Testnet to help you get onboarded quicker.

Please do not submit stake transactions to avoid disruption for other gateway operator testers as the applications are already staked on your behalf in the correct chain. All applications are staked into chain 0007 with 10M POKT.

Testnet Application Private Keys:

  • 1d06f04dcf5199a7f93f625d4fa507c2e0aca2f94fa3ebc2022c5e589406a9133d7ec4fef2ef676b340ce1df6ec5d0264ce1f40fae7fe9e07c415fa06fc1ffd6

  • 2d0f9aab4396662db2a27d3388a1602e8081a49cb159471fdf4ef8aad4f9d120a1183ac69c10bf7f5df942b687b50a206fb1c54c66687c04c7710daed5f1e7a3

  • 1e33f2948223e6655d4e10f462ad48203e18e81865098f4c15153ba4027f2fa4822fbcb6a0f485b9c61d1e84e976cb75214edc3e388b733e3ca4d5b80671cb4f

  • 0bcdf221fb73f54a4acf4e61008a80c62ad155500846d99fd9cd190b46a9cf22157e1212fad906ac98bbf5a6b6ae50910ebd83e3fe789d3e4bd7f711abcd4ed1

  • 20bf258e9e9632a9c627bfd328be87e0ecd6f14eeb7c7dc2382048c3063d3c08ec25b1aad594814f2a046cd2e89579992ecbba0951fec2d0f4b6ef1ba16fa8b9

Mainnet Instructions

Application stakes in Morse are permissioned, therefore you must receive application stakes through the Pocket Network Foundation. If you are an authorized gateway operator, the Foundation will assist you in receiving the application stakes private keys.

2. Create Encryption Password

Create an encryption password for your app stake keys. This password will be used to encrypt/decrypt your app-stake private keys stored in a Postgres database. It can be any combination of plaintext, symbols, letters, etc.

3. Configure Global Configuration Variables

Fill out the .env variables for the gateway server. This can be done by injecting environment variables directly or using a .env file.

Env Variables Description

Variable NameDescriptionExample Value


Used for dispatching sessions

https://pokt-testnet-rpc.nodies.org (a complimentary testnet dispatcher URL provided by Nodies)


Gateway server port



Max response time for a POKT node to respond



Max response time for an altruist backup to respond



Log verbosity

development, production


Duration for sessions to stay in cache



User-generated encryption key



PostgreSQL Database connection URL


Here is an .env.sample that you can use a reference

4. Run Migration Script

Run the migration script to seed your PostgreSQL database.

./scripts/migration.sh -u

5. Insert App Stake Private Keys

Copy and paste the following SQL query to insert app stake private keys into the database:

INSERT INTO pokt_applications (encrypted_private_key) VALUES (pgp_sym_encrypt('{private_key}', '{encryption_key}'));

Note: Replace {private_key} and {encryption_key} in the SQL query with your actual private key and encryption key.

6. Compile and Run Gateway Server

Copy and paste the following code to compile and run the gateway server. Hit the endpoint http://localhost/relay/{chain_id} with a JSON-RPC payload.

If using testnet, send a request to chain 0007, http://localhost/relay/0007. This testnet chain id represents Ethereum Node Operators and Nodies is currently supporting the chain id for reliable testing.

go build cmd/gateway_server/main.go

Alternatively, you can leverage our published docker images

7. Setup Chain Configuration and Altruist

Upon startup of the gateway server, nodes within a session take time to be marked as healthy (~10 seconds), therefore the requests will be routed to the altruist (failover) node. It is suggested each chain that you support has a configured altruist. You can learn more about supplying altruist configurations through this Altruist Chain Configuration guide.

Remember to keep sensitive information secure and follow best practices for handling private keys and passwords.

Last updated