What is Retro POKT Goods funding Round 1?

Retroactive funding is a novel mechanism for reducing the gap between impact and rewards through the introduction of a third variable - time.

For a high level overview, read our blog post. POKT Network has been the recipient of retroactive rewards and is now redistributing these funds via our own retroactive grants program. POKT DAO wants to create a domino effect, ensuring funds aren't captured by company or DAO treasury but instead find their way into the hands of the people who create impact.


Retroactive funding focuses on the following three categories:

  1. Protocol This category is limited to applicants who have contributed to the POKT stack itself either through contribution to main code sources such as the Morse protocol or other dependancies.

  2. Ecosystem Applicants in this category should have delivered impact to the ecosystem through creating meaningful tools and applications using the POKT stack or for POKT stack to further help with the usability of the protocol.

  3. Adoption This category includes applicants who have created awareness about Pocket Network, help with adoption of the system through support, discussions, leads, etc., or in any other way helped Pocket Network reach a broader audience.

Voters will assess the applicants' impact based on the evidence provided, and applicants should provide as much qualitative and quantitative data as they can to demonstrate impact, such as:

  • How many dependents, stars, forks, downloads, etc. did a project have?

  • How has the applicant affected the utilization of POKT token?

  • How much awareness was created and how many users or participants were touched?

  • How many users this applicant has affected and to what extent?

User transactions and staking of POKT or wPOKT do not qualify as "contributions" eligible for retroactive rewards.

NOTE: this is a retroactive funding round and only applicants who have created impact before the submission deadline are eligible (no rewards for promises of future value or impact!).


The retroactive rewards pool consists of:

  • 60,000 OP

  • 60,000 ARB

  • 750,000 wrapped POKT

Successful applicants will receive funding from all three pools proportionally.

All of these funds are meant to be distributed in this funding round. Rewards will be streamed over the course of one month starting from the rewards release date of July 15, 2024. Applicants are not obligated to complete KYC but the Pocket Network Foundation may withhold rewards until KYC is provided as part of any risk assessment during the program.

Next: Timeline

Last updated