Start Contributing

We have developed several ways for anyone to contribute to Pocket Network and get paid. Creativity and enterprise are rewarded. To find or make an opportunity for yourself, you'll need to know our needs and priorities.

An important first step to becoming a contributor is to understand our POKT DNA, our DAO OS, and our governance. Get to know what's happening in the ecosystem by joining our Discord server and attending our weekly Community Calls at 12 noon ET on Wednesdays (the channel is under the Community category on Discord). The deeper your knowledge of our protocol and ecosystem, the better your ability to see where you can add value.

Ideal for newcomers to the ecosystem, these are small, bite-size projects that will begin to build the reputation you'll need to advance to greater involvement.

Contributors can access monthly funding for experiments and new initiatives in a mostly permissionless way. (Formerly known as Sockets)

Pocket Network Foundation regularly opens RFPs for the highest priority work in our ecosystem. This creates a credibly neutral way to allot work across key priorities and allows new talent to enter the ecosystem in meaningful ways. (Formerly known as POPs or Open Priorities)

For ongoing maintenance of tools or services supported by the DAO. Typically filled by active community members, these roles are allocated based on impact history and proven abilities.

The DAO and POKT Network Foundation are constantly evolving new ways to encourage and reward impactful contributions to the ecosystem.

Last updated