Use a Public Endpoint

The POKT Network Foundation funds free public endpoints through Nodies, its second gateway, as a public good. These endpoints have variable limits of 15-25 requests per second, ideal for wallet users and hackathon developers.

For higher usage, users should consider creating an account with a gateway or hosting one themselves.


How to Add an Endpoint to MetaMask

To change your endpoint in MetaMask, follow these steps, filling in the appropriate fields from the table provided:

  1. Click on the Networks drop-down menu, then select Add Network.

  2. In the Network Name field, enter <Network Name> POKT.

  3. For the New RPC URL field, copy and paste <Endpoint URL>.

  4. (Optional) Enter <ChainID> in the ChainID field.

  5. (Optional) Input <Symbol> in the Symbol field.

  6. (Optional) Insert <Explorer URL> into the Block Explorer URL field.

  7. Don't forget to save your changes.

If you encounter an error in MetaMask stating Invalid number. Enter a decimal or '0x'-prefixed hexadecimal number, simply leave the optional fields blank.

Last updated