Wrapped POKT (wPOKT)

What is wPOKT?

Wrapped POKT (wPOKT) is an Ethereum ERC-20 token backed 1:1 by POKT.

  • The token contract address is 0x67F4C72a50f8Df6487720261E188F2abE83F57D7 which you can see on Etherscan here.

  • The vault address where you'll need to send POKT to mint wPOKT is 2eb054616797de8565506333afb334655e7774ed

  • The MintController address is 0x0d006D9e862B362180eb602e5973Fd1fdb6f78dd

  • The DAO’s SAFE address for wPOKT is 0x2f16615234827eE4dF14d02d40C24E6a258dD360

You can see the latest information for wPOKT on:

What are the benefits of wPOKT?

By having a representation of POKT in the Ethereum ecosystem, we enable:

  • the interoperability of Pocket Network with best-in-class DeFi and DAO tooling and infrastructure

  • improved liquidity and access to POKT

Enabling these benefits can unlock financial legos, such as streaming payments, DAO budgeting, and other integrations that will help the DAO to scale and onboard new contributors. Additionally, wPOKT as a programmatic primitive can be the foundation for more sophisticated Pocket products in the future.

How does wPOKT maintain 1:1 value with POKT?

While the price for wPOKT may diverge from the price of POKT from time to time due to market pressures on supply and demand wherever wPOKT and POKT are each traded - for example, on Uniswap for wPOKT and Gate/KuCoin for POKT - you will always be able to swap each wPOKT token for one POKT token, and vice versa. This is because to mint wPOKT, POKT is first locked in the bridge vault and the corresponding amount of wPOKT is minted, so that the wPOKT token supply exactly equals the number of locked POKT. When wPOKT is swapped back for POKT, the wPOKT is burned, maintaining the 1:1 relationship.

How do I wrap my POKT?

Head over to the wPOKT bridge, and check out the wrapping tutorial and FAQ on wrapping and unwrapping linked below.

Section Contents

Tutorial - Wrapping Walkthrough

Video and tutorial on how to wrap POKT.

FAQ - Wrapping and Unwrapping

Step-by-step instructions on bridging your POKT to Ethereum & back.

FAQ - wPOKT Liquidity Provider Staking

Guidance on liquidity-pool staking for your wrapped POKT.

Tutorial - wPOKT LP Staking

Guidance on liquidity-pool staking for your wrapped POKT.

Last updated